My classes are maps of consciousness that explore the inner truths and mysticism of the world’s great spiritual traditions, and teach what it means to create sacred space both in our inner and outer lives.
I am teaching ongoign classes via Zoom.
For available classes and times on spirituality and mysticism, please contact me directly.

Classes include the study of the following religions from cultural, religious and mystical perspectives:
Judaism, Kabbalah
Christian Mysticism
Islam, Sufism
Native American spirituality,
Aboriginal spirituality
African Spirituality
Sacred Geometry
I also Mentor students who wish to become Ministers/Cherags in the Inayati Sufi Order.
Turning your Home into a Sacred Space
8-week series at Kashi Atlanta Ashram
Thursdays, October 7 - December 2
7:00 - 8:30 pm with Lorell Frysh, PhD (virtual only)
When Joseph Campbell was asked what his favorite places were, he said Palenque, the Delphi and the caves at Lasceaux. When asked why, he replied, "I, Joseph Campbell, feel most powerful there, and I haven't the damnedest idea why".
Dr. Lorell Frysh has spent the past 35 years exploring the “why” – studying the subtle interaction between Spirituality, Space and Psyche. She notes that “shapes, color, light and texture all reflect archetypal patterns within the soul, that ignite and inspire us".
It’s also true that people unconsciously project their inner states onto their outer environments. Because those environments affect the way we feel, it’s important to bring awareness to both our inner and outer spaces.
Find out how to express and support your Sacred Self in the daily rhythms of your life. This creative process-oriented class will promote self-awareness, stimulate insight and intuition and provide a design template for spaces that are soulful, enriching and spiritually nourishing.

Spiritual Myths and Mistakes: How to Identify Misunderstandings and Avoid Pitfalls on the Spiritual Path
8-week series at Kashi Atlanta Ashram
Thursdays, August 5 - September 23
7:00 - 8:30 pm with Lorell Frysh, PhD
The road to truth means having to learn what is untrue. As we encounter differing teachers, teachings and spiritual practices, we encounter differing understandings about the nature of the great spiritual questions. We will explore the stages of the spiritual journey, its pitfalls and opportunities, and navigate topics such as Truth, God, Enlightenment, the Ego, Teachers, Gurus, Master, Reincarnation, Karma, Dharma, the Psychic Realm, Spiritual Materialism and Bypassing, the Dark Night of the Soul.
Bring your spiritual questions and we will examine how they help or hinder your own spiritual journey.

How the Enneagram Can Improve Your Relationships
7-Week Workshop Series · TBD
$140 with registration by July 25
$30 for drop-in sessions
The Enneagram is an ancient personality model, updated by psychologists in the Human Potential Movement. Learn to understand your personality types and how to work with them — emotionally and spiritually! When we understand ourselves and others better, we can create more harmony in our world!