Lorell Frysh Ph.D.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Teacher, Author

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through."
― anais nin
Embrace the adventure of living…with courage, an open heart and an awakening consciousness.
The psycho/spiritual journey can bring you to the deepest and most expanded healing and fulfillment. It’s a journey that every soul will take and can often be difficult and at times challenging. It’s very important to have a caring, supportive guide along the way. I am here to support you as you engage this most important soul work.

East-West Transpersonal Psychology
East-West and Transpersonal Psychology integrate traditional Western Psychology and both Western and Eastern Spirituality. If we truly wish to embark on a conscious journey, both are needed for optimum growth.

Creating Sacred Space Through Design
Our outer world reflects our inner world. When we work with both consciously we create environments that truly support and nourish us. Learn how I integrate design, psychology, and spirituality…

My classes are maps of consciousness that explore the inner truths and mysticism of the world’s great spiritual traditions, and teach what it means to create sacred space both in our inner and outer lives.
Blog Posts
The Student/Teacher Relationship
The Purpose The role of the spiritual teacher or guru is to mirror and reflect the true nature of awareness. The teacher’s presence should remind the student of their own essential nature. It is the love for the guru and the freedom that he/she represents, that triggers the unfolding of the spiritual journey. The whole…
Read MoreNow is the Time to Turn Up the Light
I am standing in a long line waiting to vote again in the GA Senate run-offs. The stakes are a little different now from my last long wait line, and although the wait is not quite the valiant 5 hours I stood to vote for the 2020 general elections, it is still long and just…
Read MoreThe Choices we make: Confronting Racism, The ‘Other’ and The Fear Within
I remember the day in 1985 when I officially became an American. Standing proud with my new little American flag in hand, together with about 50 others from all over the world, I recited the Oath of Allegiance to what I hoped, no assumed, was a country and a future that stood for freedom of…
Read MoreHealing the Communal Heart
This is an intense time. Once again we face the reality of a world fragmented, polarized and terrorized by issues of blatant self-interest, lack of respect, lack of recognition or caring about differing perspectives, of disempowerment, and of the trampled dreams of those deemed lesser or other. Because everything is interconnected, local as well as…
Read MoreThe Promise of Passover and Easter
It is the beginning of Passover, and soon it will be Easter. Despite their differences, both of these holidays tell profound stories of movement from limitation to spiritual expansion. In Judaism at the Passover Seder, we remember what it was like to be enslaved, and we recite the steps that were needed at the time…
Read MoreCrisis or Opportunity
We are living in strange and uncharted times. Our genetic programming is to be on alert when we enter unknown territory. The ancestral aspect of our brain, our limbic system, or reptilian brain, is designed to keep us safe from predators and other dangers. But we are not only primitive organisms. We are complex people,…
Read MoreSecrets of the Soul
Although the current scientific consensus is that there is no evidence to support the existence of the traditional definition of the soul as the spiritual breath of the body, most people believe they have some form of a soul. And yet ‘soul’ is hard to define and there is distinction and disagreement amongst different religions…
Read MoreWorkings of the Conscious Mind
This article was first published in the Atlanta Conscious Life Journal on November 13, 2018. Click here to read the published article. Workings of the Conscious Mind Our mind works in interesting ways. Our conditioning and past trauma create beliefs that have very real consequences for the way we make choices. When we are…
Read MoreBirthing the Christmas Message
It is nearing the Solstice. The days are either getting longer or shorter depending on what hemisphere you live in. The polar vortex has descended here and the temperature is pretty frigid. Christmas is coming and the city is festive with lights, trees, wreaths and bows. Many are preparing to celebrate the birth of one…
Read MoreI bring a sense of compassion, accountability and genuineness that helps guide you to find meaning and purpose in your life.
I look forward to working with you and welcome a complimentary twenty minute phone interview to move to the next step which is setting up an appointment.